The Monkey Pliers

Asperger's / Autism Toolbox


Link Buddies

You've made some connections
within the world of the autism spectrum.
Now see who else is out there,
connecting with us from other spheres!

Toolbox Link Buddies
are do-it-yourselfers, self-improvers,
independent thinkers, movers and shakers,
and those who support their efforts -
all determined to make life better and
the world a better place.

Link Buddies
Other Great Webites
Link Buddy Guidelines

The Monkey Pliers
Asperger's / Autism Toolbox
is hosted at a location I already pay for myself,
so I don't receive donations to cover expenses.
However, the Websites listed here
as Link Buddies have befriended this site
in a spirit of mutual support and community
by trading links.

Link Buddies:

Unchained Faith

Family woman, feminist, LGBT ally, reader, writer, and nerd. Progressive Christian skewering church and culture one blog post at a time. I am unwaveringly a Christian, even if I sometimes like to question the way we carry out our faith (and even when I doubt if God exists). I am passionate about destroying the -isms that separate us from one anther and keep us from seeing each person as a gift, hand-crafted by the Giver of Life.


Linking page
within the site:
in the

Buddies since:
November 6, 2012

Brockport Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

We're a thriving spiritual community that provides support, guidance, and inspiration to enable the spiritual growth of our members, friends, and the broader society of which we're a part. We intend to joyfully improve ourselves, inspire others, and initiate positive change in accordance with our 7 basic Unitarian Universalist values/principles (rather than a required creed or theology). In the words of Francis David, 16th century Unitarian martyr, "We do not have to think alike, to love alike."


Linking page
within the site:
"Great Links"

Buddies since:
January 18, 2013

Other Great Webites:

The following sites don't, at this time, appear to
list links to sites outside their theme or subject matter.
I list them here because I believe in what they're doing
and consider their efforts to be, in some way or another,
in the same spirit as what the Toolbox is designed to accomplish.
Native Ways Federation
Established in 2006 by seven of the country's leading national American Indian nonprofits, the Native Ways Federation is the only federation in the U.S. to directly serve Native nonprofits that assist Native peoples and communities in Indian Country.

Link Buddy Guidelines:

This page is where I call visitors' attention to non-autism related Websites whose philosophy and approach is compatible with that of the Toolbox.
Here's one example of how a buddy site link can appear on this Link Buddies page:

The Wayshelter

Hang up your cloak, lean your staff by the door,
set your boots on the mat, and make yourself at home.


Linking pages
within the site:

The Cabinet

Buddies since:
August 1, 2012
Here's one example of info about the Toolbox that buddies might decide to display on their sites (although putting in just a text link, without logo or description, is just fine, too):

The Asperger's / Autism Toolbox

New to learning about Asperger's syndrome / the autism spectrum? Found wading through search engine results a bit daunting? In the Toolbox, resources are organized by category, so you can easily find the information and support that's right for you.


Linking page
within the site:

Link Buddies

Buddies since:
(month) (day), (year)
Your logo and site info could appear here.


Want to be Link Buddies with the
Asperger's / Autism Toolbox?
E-Mail Monkey Pliers
and send me info about your Website
a friendly message of support!


I ask that Link Buddies please limit their site descriptions / greetings to 500 characters or fewer and their logo images to .jpgs or .gifs no larger than 140x140 pixels. If this isn't possible for some reason, please explain, and I'll try to work it out with you.

Link Buddies listings are not meant to directly advertise products or services, even in cases in which the linking party is a purveyor of such. They exist merely to display mutual philosophical support and friendship. Inclusion and removal of links on this page are my sole responsibility and are done at my sole discretion.

Thanks for your consideration!

- Monkey Pliers


The Toolbox is
housed in