The Monkey Pliers

Asperger's / Autism Toolbox


Video Listings

Interesting, Informative, Insightful,
and Sometimes Simply Entertaining!
Current categories include
General Information     Spectrum Perspectives
Adults on the Spectrum     Spectrum Life and Experience
Spectrum Issues and Concerns     Community Interaction
Personal Interactions/Relating to Others
More Fun as We Look at Ourselves
(Some categories may start in the center or right column,
so please be sure to check the first row when you click one of these links,
just to make sure you don't miss anything.)

(Please note that the content and activities of offsite resources and their creators are not the responsibility of this site. They are listed here so you can more easily find a range of options to choose from concerning your autism spectrum related needs. If you have any concerns or are not satisfied with what you find there, please contact them directly. Thank you.)

General Information:

Aspergers 101: The Basics

Length - 2:43

Aspergers Information That All Parents And Teachers Need To Know

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
Mark Hutten
on Mar 30, 2011
Spectrum Perspectives:

Rethinking Autism: Autistics Speak

Length - 2:01

.com presents a video designed to change the current autism conversation in the media.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Sep 23, 2009
Spectrum Perspectives:

Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds

Length - 20:14

Autism activist Temple Grandin talks about how her mind works -- sharing her ability to "think in pictures," which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, verbal thinkers, and all kinds of smart geeky kids.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Sep 23, 2009
Spectrum Perspectives:

You Don't Seem Like You Have Asperger's

Length - 6:47

A.J. Mahari, diagnosed in adulthood with Asperger's Syndrome, in a video recorded in September of 2007, talks about her experience hearing "You don't seem like you have Asperger's".

YouTube Videos
Uploaded by
on Jan 20, 2009
Spectrum Perspectives:

Response To "You Don't Have Asperger's"

Length - 9:54

This video is a response to Rudytutti's video, recorded in 2008, wherein she describes having been told by some with Asperger's, "you don't have asperger's"."

YouTube Videos
Uploaded by
on Feb 5, 2009
Spectrum Perspectives:

Aspergers syndrome

Length - 8:41

A film made by young people with Aspergers Syndrome explaining what it is like to have it, in their own words.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on May 29, 2009
Spectrum Perspectives:

Autism Reality

Length - 10:28

A critically acclaimed documentary film about autism by an autistic film director.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Dec 14, 2009
Spectrum Perspectives:

Daria Is an Aspie

Length - 2:43

geek humour

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Dec 14, 2009
Adults on the Spectrum:

Adult Female Asperger's Traits

Length - 4:29

Sam's blog helped inspire this video.

YouTube Video
Published on
Apr 1, 2012
by AspieEyes
Adults on the Spectrum:

W-11 IF AUTISM'S A SILENT EPEDEMIC; Where are the Adult Autistics

Length - 10:00

I answer the question posed in the title in my video.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on May 10, 2008
Adults on the Spectrum:

Adults with Aspergers and High- Functioning Autism

Length - 6:04

Adults with Aspergers talk about some of their unique challenges

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
Mark Hutten
on Sep 13, 2011
Adults on the Spectrum:

Aspie Versus Psycho Mom

Length - 4:24

A common life experience for people with Asperger's syndrome -- roughly half of all cases is tension with one's mother. This conversation uses several remarks made by my own (adoptive) mother to show what it feels like from our end.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Jun 2, 2009
Adults on the Spectrum:

Undiagnosed Autism Aspergers in Adults

Length - 8:31

Autistic children grow up to be Autistic adults. Recognising the Triad of Impairments in my experience is just the starting point, and as many people affected by Autism will tell you, Autistic spectrum disorder can be a hugely complicated condition to understand. And even though there are common symptoms that Autistic people may share, Not everyone with Autism display all the symptoms all the time.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Nov 1, 2011
Spectrum Life and Experience:

Stupid SH*T that people say to Aspies

Length - 1:19

A short cartoon

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Feb 26, 2012
Spectrum Life and Experience:

ASPERGER Girls_trailer 12/2010

Length - 1:59

Peek at women in the upcoming documentary ASPERGER Girls: The Art of Life.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Dec 29, 2010
Spectrum Life and Experience:

A Black Girl With Aspergers Syndrome

Length - 3:13

Many fellow Aspies have written many blogs about their condition, but never used the condition to talk about common issues. I, as an African American Aspie, seemed to have somewhat different experiences that this condition caused me when interacting with everyday people than I have heard from other people's videos.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Sep 4, 2011
Spectrum Life and Experience:

What it is like for me to have Asperger's

Length - 12:47

I speak about how having Asperger's Syndrome has affected me as an African-American male.

YouTube Video
Published on
Mar 12, 2012
by Silent
Spectrum Issues and Concerns:

If You Can Do X, Why Can't You Do Y? My All-Purpose Answer.

Length - 8:41

My all-purpose answer to the question "If you can do such-and-such, why can't you do this other thing?" A question that many neurologically unusual people of all sorts get a lot of the time.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Sep 9, 2007
Spectrum Issues and Concerns:

Sensory Overload in Autism

Length - 1:21

Describing what it's like for us.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Sep 22, 2011
Spectrum Issues and Concerns:

Aspergers Meltdowns vs. Temper Tantrums

Length - 5:15

What is the difference between a meltdown and a tantrum?

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
Mark Hutten
on Aug 18, 2010
Spectrum Issues and Concerns:

How To Deal With A Meltdown With Aspergers and Autism (Full Version)

Length - 3:22

How I would suggest people help me, a girl with Aspergers, when I am about to have a meltdown.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Jan 16, 2012
Spectrum Issues and Concerns:

Self-Soothing Behaviors in Autism

Length - 2:23

Non-verbal Autistic Adult in Pool: Self-Soothing behaviors help regulate emotions and prevent meltdowns or tantrums

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Sep 11, 2010
Community Interaction:

Cop Versus Aspie

Length - 2:31

A police officer talks to a woman who has Asperger's syndrome, a condition with which he's unfamiliar. Some confusion ensues.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on May 21, 2009
Community Interaction:

Autism Recognition & Response Part I

Length - 6:58

Autism Recognition & Response Part II

Length - 4:11

I produced a documentary for law enforcement in the State of California on how to recognize and respond to autistic individuals. Autism is a developmental disorder that is marked by difficulties in communication skills, social interactions, other behaviors such as play or leisure activities. This training is important because in a critical situation, autistics need to be treated with compassion and gentleness.

YouTube Videos
Uploaded by
Feb 18, 2008
on Feb 17, 2008
Community Interaction:

TODAY Dad trains fireman to rescue people with autism

Length - 3:42

No description available.

YouTube Video
Published on
Mar 21, 2012
by JerzeyGirlxo
Personal Interactions/
Relating to Others:

Aspie and a Stellar Roommate

Length - 2:31

After a woman with Asperger's seemingly overreacts to a day full of apparently minor frustrations, her roommate gives her some peace and solace.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Jun 12, 2009
Personal Interactions/
Relating to Others:

Rudy Simone's 22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know

Length - 6:44

Rudy Simone is on a mission to prevent Aspie/non-Spectrum relationships from breaking down due to lack of information about Asperger syndrome. Here the 'Aspergirls' author shares some behind the scenes info about her latest book, '22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know' - including how she got her own partner to read the book!

YouTube Video
Published on
Jun 28, 2012
by JKPVideos
Personal Interactions/
Relating to Others:

Help for Aspergers Couples

Length - 5:42

Married to an Aspergers Partner: 25 Tips For Spouses

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
Mark Hutten
on Jul 23, 2011
More Fun as We Look at Ourselves:

You Might Be An Aspie If...

Length - 2:09

One of my aspie characters, Sharon Goode, gives a few clues to your behavior that might indicate if you have Asperger's syndrome.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Jul 9, 2009
More Fun as We Look at Ourselves:

Frazzled Minds News: Anchor's Asperger Annoys

Length - 2:43

I, for one, am keenly aware that the compulsion to correct others' grammar, common in Asperger's syndrome (including myself), is annoying. Here, two news anchors go at it when one tries to discuss the "seventy-year anniversary of the ATM machine," and the other, who has Asperger's syndrome, submits to the compulsion.

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Jul 9, 2009
More Fun as We Look at Ourselves:

Clown Versus Aspie

Length - 2:14

Here's what happens when a clown asks someone with Asperger's syndrome: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

YouTube Video
Uploaded by
on Jun 6, 2009


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