Hang up your cloak, lean your staff by the door,
set your boots on the mat, and make yourself at home.

Welcome to
The Wayshelter

Great Awakening

(The Global Spiritual Awakening)
the Basica

(Discover Basicanism)

Cultural Directory

(Artistic Works of Others)

(Adult Autism Spectrum)
Shelterkeep's Room

(Personal Interests)
Memorial Garden

(In Honor of Loved Ones)

Please open any of these doors to select an area of the house to explore.

joins together with all people of conscience
to oppose

ignorance, prejudice, marginalization, and oppression.

The Wayshelter


What Is a Basican Wayshelter?
It can be a physical meeting point, spiritual safe haven, and cultural resource specifically for Basicans, but where people of all faiths are welcome. It can also be a Website, or a simple gathering of Basicans and similarly interested others that serves as many of these purposes as are needed or desired. Individual Basicans are free to choose whether or not to be associated with one or more available wayshelters as part of their practice.

Just as persons of any faith are welcome, the intellectual and artistic expressions of persons of any faith may be presented for cultural enrichment. Therefore, one cannot tell the faith of an individual by either their presence or the appearance of their work in a Basican wayshelter.

Who Is a Shelterkeep?
That person is a Basican who is host and custodian of a Basican wayshelter. As such, she or he is a facilitator of discussion and spiritual practices and a point person, leader, or performer of relevant duties where one is called for. Such an individual takes on a spiritually supportive role and attitude towards all persons, wherever appropriate.

A shelterkeep can either be agreed upon within a group or self-appointed as a person willing to set up and be responsible for some form of wayshelter for the potential benefit of others. A wayshelter does not require a shelterkeep unless there is a particular need or desire for such a role to be filled.

How Is a Wayshelter Funded?
That may vary, if any funding is necessary at all. In any case, a wayshelter's purpose is not to generate a profit.

This Website is the first Basican wayshelter of any kind in operation.
It currently exists online only. It is paid for out of my own pocket and designed almost as though it existed in my own private home.
It is my personal site, set up by my own initiative.

If you're interested in setting up
your own Basican wayshelter,
please click here.

Thanks for visiting!

Richness of Culture       Spiritual Integrity       Responsible Individuality

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Wayshelter E-Mail

All Contents Copyright

The Wayshelter

Copyright Dates

unless otherwise noted.